Tuesday 29 May 2018

A trip to Chiang Rai - Part 1

21st May 2018. Our first blog post seems to suggest a possible destination for our summer holiday. A sound-sensation starts in familiar fashion at her feet, circulating from the soles to approximately her solar plexus. The energy pauses there for a second or two, before moving to her crown. The entire progression takes around twenty seconds. As the movement completes, the sequence starts. Next to her, I lie in oblivious sleep, facing in the opposite direction on my right side; my accustomed resting position.

The transition today is rapid, and within seconds she and her grandmother are descending like a rocket, still hand-in-hand. She opens her eyes and can see white everywhere, white dragons, a white bridge decorated with big snakes and yet more dragons leading to an ornately decorated white temple. Sculptured hands with red-painted fingernails line both sides of the path, many of them offering fruit or food as if to heaven. She asks her grandmother for the name of this place. They call this the White Temple. It’s in the north of Thailand, in a place called Chiang Rai. Can you remember this word? W-A-T R-O-N-G-K-H-U-N. 

She has only enough time to walk across the bridge towards the structure, still accompanied by her grandmother. I’m woken by the sound of her talking in her sleep and turn to see her sit up in bed. Later, she says she wants to dream a bit more to recall some features so that she can draw a sketch for the blog. I am certain she will dream again and accomplish this in the coming days.