Saturday 19 January 2019

Chilterns Monument, Coombe Hill

The Monument, Coombe Hill
19.01.19 Early last year, my brother had written to us and asked if April could recommend any places of interest for him to explore near his new home in Great Hasely, Oxfordshire. Even though we were (and remained) in Singapore, April was happy to try and, over the course of a few nighttime excursions, requested and briefly visited the area in the clear dreaming condition. Several sketches were forthcoming, but she could not easily remember the idiosyncratic names of many of the places or estimate how far they might be in relation to his new home. One unknown landmark was particularly unusual (see above), but we forgot to pursue it further in the midst of the other disclosure. I did, however, remember to send it to my brother for his consideration.

About four months later, I got an e-mail from him together with a photo of a place he had visited that weekend. He had been walking in the Chilterns with his wife when they stumbled upon a monument which marks the highest point. The bird's eye view of the surrounding area was stunning. Clearly April's sketch was of this structure, and on this occasion we had a corroborating photograph. In another sketch (not included here), April had noted a road sign that seemed to reference the location of the monument. According to my brother, this sign was placed only after he had received the first drawing. Could it be the lucid excursion had included a precognitive element?