Tuesday 26 March 2019

Healing in the clear halfway condition

There is no illustration for this entry, which is concerned with the possibility of the alleviation of physical ailments while in the deeply relaxed condition (mind passive but alert/ body asleep or close to sleep). The issue is of some interest since over the last few years, April has demonstrated an ability to induce some degree of recovery from a variety of minor conditions while in alert sleep. The first time this became apparent was when she had a severe stomachache, possibly after having eaten some street food one morning that had been left exposed to the open air. That afternoon, suddenly feeling ill, she went to bed but was unable to drop off fully such was the level of discomfort. Eventually, in the early hours, her body gave up sufficiently for her to get some respite. It was in this halfway condition that her grandmother visited her, and assisted in her recovery by first firmly placing her left hand on April's stomach. Using her fingertips, she then started to trace a circle about eight inches in diameter, with each sweep taking a couple of seconds to complete. The initial physical contact felt like cool electric current, but over the next forty-five seconds or so generated a mild warmth. Soon, April fell asleep more deeply and woke the next morning feeling absolutely fine. 

On the second occasion, some months later, she had a spell of persistent dizziness similarly resolved, only this time following another nocturnal visit and a clockwise horizontal circular movement of energy at the level of forehead and scalp. Recently, a split callous on the sole of her foot that had prevented her from walking was similarly relieved following another nighttime healing session. For what it is worth, the alert half-state therefore seems to allow for different possibilities: a progression to lucid dreaming or OBE is one; physical recuperation facilitated through the movement of some internal bio-energy would seem to be another.

Sunday 24 March 2019

Lucerne, Switzerland

Bronze age village, Lucerne
03:13-03:17 Although her eyes are closed and she is still physically asleep, her grandmother gently calls to her with an invitation to visit another place of interest. April asks where and is told a bronze age lake village in Lucerne, Switzerland. She queries the use of the phrase bronze age and her grandmother replies, You'll find out when you get there. There is a fifteen-second vertical ascent followed by a similarly steady descent through a clear morning sky to solid land. She arrives barefoot, standing on smooth dark-brown rock and guesses the time to be around 06:00. There is a background of mountains and trees. She looks around and sees five or six wooden house-like structures on stilts extending out to the middle of a lake, each connected via a wooden bridge. These, she says, are like the kelong mentioned in the Pulau Ubin adventure recounted in An Adjacent Place. She spots a rowing boat moving serenely away from one house, a solitary man taking it towards the centre of the lake. Her grandmother lets her explore for a minute before taking her hand again. She leads April to one empty house where she sees laid out a pair of old fashioned shoes, some old pants, a buttoned shirt and a black scarf with some kind of metal clasp to fasten it at the neck. She thinks the clothes belong to the man. Then, they walk along a bridge to a space on the shore. There, with an unusual movement of her hands, her grandmother seems to excavate the earth, revealing several metallic but unblemished helmets, antique water bottles, some swords and other implements, and beyond them all, five to eight human skeletons. Finally she turns to April and asks, Are you happy with what you have seen today? She replies, Yes, I appreciate it very much. Her grandmother smiles and asks if she is ready to go back to her room now. But can we go somewhere else first? Her grandmother nods. Yes, but next time little girl. She then gently lifts her and guides her back to our room in Clementi. She says they both see me laughing in the midst of my own unrecalled dream, before her grandmother leaves her to get a few hours of regular sleep before the new day commences.