Sunday 28 April 2019

Alexandro and Cassandra at the Keitt House

Alexandro and Cassandra at the Keitt House
04:45-04:48 She is accompanied once again by her grandmother to the Keitt House. Her twenty-second journey up and then down follows an inverted 'V' path, and when they land, they are in front of the old wooden structure once more. The front door is open and they approach and enter. The first room to the right appears to be the lounge and spaced around there are five old-fashioned wooden chairs. A tall blonde woman in long white dress and sandals is sitting at a side-facing window, gazing distractedly at the grounds beyond. Just then, two playful cats approach and brush against her, breaking her reverie. She turns to them and at the same time notices April and her grandmother at the door. She starts in surprise, but obviously knows April's grandmother from before. Her grandmother says the woman's name is Judith. Judith then recovers her poise and introduces herself as she embraces April. Judith is cold, like ice April says, although this we now know is consistent with her familiar perception. The cats have followed Judith, and are friendly enough to rub against April, although they, too, are similarly cold. Judith says the chubby black female cat is called Cassandra, and that she is seven years old, and a little bit playful. She especially likes to hide inside the wardrobe in the corner of the lounge, when she plays with the other cat. Her favourite food is plain red rice. The other cat is a nine-year old ginger-striped male called Alexandro. Judith says he is a good boy, but very sensitive to noise. His favourite food is steamed chicken breast. April then sits down on the floor to play with both of them. They regard her intently while she pets them. After a minute, Judith sends them both to their basket so that she can continue to chat to April without distraction and share some details of her life...