Sunday 12 May 2019

A lost birthday card

Birthday card as recollected
Birthday card as dreamed
It is almost April's birthday and my parents say they will send her a card from the UK. We check our postbox every day but the card never arrives, much to her disappointment. An idea comes to me that she might try and find out what has happened to the card, and maybe what it looks like from within the clear dreaming condition. She says she wants to try, and at 03:15 the following morning, her signal comes to her. In the sequence that follows, she is accompanied by her grandmother, and finds herself walking towards another block on our compound, but not the one we live in. Outside the elevators, she discards a tissue in the communal bin and as she does so, notices in among the other rubbish that there is an envelope with her name on. She retrieves it and takes it to a seat on the void deck. On opening the envelope, she finds that the picture on the front of the card is of a bee and notes the caption. Later that morning, she draws it at the coffee table and I write home to ascertain if it is in any way similar to the one they sent earlier. My mother, herself a talented artist, sends a sketch of her own recollection, and I include both here for comparison.