Wednesday 31 July 2019

A favourite residence

Moritz's favourite German residence
It is sometime before 06:00 when she dreams of an impressive old house, its image slowly coalescing in her mind's eye. Karl is standing next to her, smiling kindly, his left hand holding her right. He knows she likes to draw buildings and says that sometimes he likes to rest in this place, even now. He lets her walk around outside for a few minutes, so that she can take in some of the main features for the sketch. When she wakes, I ask her for the location of the place but she is not so sure. She says it is located somewhere in Germany, possibly in the region of Wartaweil, which I guess from her pronunciation. She is, however, pleased to share details of the previous post: it is St Olave's Church in London. I research a little and find that the medieval church is a real place, reconstructed in the 1950s following World War Two, but with origins back to the thirteenth century. I also find that it was also a favourite church of the diarist Samuel Pepys, and where he and his wife are buried.