Wednesday 4 September 2019

Oresund Bridge, Copenhagen

Oresund Bridge, Copenhagen
24.08.19 04:55-05:00 She gains awareness while in the clear condition, finding herself sitting on a metal bench with what she is informed is the Oresund bridge visible about twenty metres in front, Karl on her right and her grandmother to her left. Her grandmother tells her they all visited this landmark in another dream a couple of weeks ago, but that April forgot the dream upon awakening. It is one of her grandmother's favourite places in the modern world, and connects Denmark with Sweden. Today's trip is something of a reminder for April to note the structural features in preparation for today's drawing. Karl is wearing his favourite waistcoat, and gently greets her before offering some pistachios he is carrying in his pocket. He says he enjoys walking along the bridge in his second life, and observing the occasional big fish that break the surface of the water below. Soon, she wakes to the physical world once more and tells me over breakfast of her new adventure for the blog.