Thursday 30 December 2021

Abandoned Greek country dwelling

Abandoned country Greek dwelling

30.12.21 It has been a while since we last posted: a change of job for both of us meant we quickly had to find a new place to live, and settling in took most of our attention and energy. The dreams and day-to-day synchronicities continue, now in slightly sharper focus as we take our first break in more than a year. This morning, April's grandmother visited her in the small hours for the first time in a few weeks, to give her another chance to check out a house she had seen in November. She says they spent about ten minutes together - time enough to explore what is evidently an old dwelling, this time she says on one of the Greek islands. It appears to be constructed on wooden supports, with a ladder or staircase to gain access to the upper level, where the residents clearly lived. The ground below the building consists of rough grass and rocks, and is not utilised. She says there is no-one anywhere around, and that the place seems to have been abandoned for a number of years. The building is close to a forest, and is actually one of many structure set close together. These, too, seem derelict. Small roads between the houses are smooth enough to permit cars or other forms of transport, she thinks, which would seem to place the village in the modern era.