Wednesday 10 August 2022

Marie Studholme (part one)

Having recently moved house and changed jobs, and now with a young child, the opportunities to update the blog have proven more limited. Despite all, April has still been able to make a new friend, courtesy of an introduction from her grandmother, who has evidently known the lady for quite a while. The following three contacts occurred over a six week period, the first of which is given here. It happened a couple of months ago, commencing at about 02:05 in the morning (April rather precisely estimates), lasting about 15 minutes from beginning to end. As usual, her grandmother collects her from a semi-alert condition on our bed and accompanies her to a city centre location, somewhere in England. They land close to a theatre of some kind, but the name is not yet recalled. A woman in a long white dress is hurrying towards the entrance but at the grandmother's wave stops to say hi. She introduces the lady as Marie, a very gorgeous and wonderful singer. Marie is wearing a pair of silver, ring earrings, maybe one inch in diameter, with pearls hanging freely, and a necklace with a hanging pearl encrusted rhombus-shaped design. April offers her left hand, and this is gently taken by Marie's right, the touch cool but solid. She enquires as to how April got here and she replies her granny brought her. April notices a singular pearl ring on Marie's third finger of her right hand. Her hair is dark, tied up at the back, longer at front, and she appears 28 or 29 years of age. She says she sometimes wears a black, brown or blond wig when she sings. She clarifies that her actual name is Caroline Lupton, but most people know her as Marie Studholme, a popular singer, and she obligingly spells out her name so there is no mistaking. She gives her date of birth as September 10, 1872 and the date she passed as March 10, 1930. She explains a pneumatic fever came on very suddenly after one exhausting performance and she died at home soon after. She is actually heading to a performance right now, and says she continues to enjoy singing for interested audiences, although these are now are quite different from those when she was physically alive. Her husband's name is Harold but they don't have children of their own. Marie then excuses herself and April wishes her a good performance. She smiles as she hurries. Thank you, angel!