Saturday 21 July 2018

Meeting Robert Fullerton again

07:49-07:55 - She is lying on her left-hand side facing the window as her signal approaches. This time, she senses alternating movements of energy in her abdomen: first, a few seconds of clockwise rotation, then a few seconds anticlockwise. Then the current moves up quite rapidly, like a magnet, she says, taking perhaps a further six seconds to wind its way to her crown. She takes care not to let the sensations fully rouse her nor prompt any unnecessary physical movement. Today, she feels her power to be strong and says she needs no assistance from her grandmother to accomplish the journey. The brightness in her mind's eye gradually increases and the surroundings come into sharp focus: buildings, trees, birds and a few early morning joggers pacing the as yet empty thoroughfares. She recognises the Asian Civilisations Museum building close to the Fullerton Hotel and sees a figure waiting for her a few metres away, his feet floating an inch or two over the lower steps to the entrance.  She hasn't placed any specific intent this time but before we retired, we talked about Robert Fullerton and she reaffirmed her keenness to meet him again.

It is indeed him standing there, and today he is wearing a black suit with polished shoes, a black bow tie and a white shirt. Only she seems able to see him. Hello, sir Robert! she exclaims in surprise. He cranes his head slightly and squints as if he doesn't recognise who is approaching, but it is all in good humour. Hello, April, nice to see you again! He touches her gently under the chin and tells her she is getting chubby. This is no surprise as we have just returned from Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai where we spent most of our time eating and confirming April's earlier impressions of Watrongkhun for the blog. His touch is friendly and somewhat ticklish. Yes, I have eaten too much good food, sir. She asks what he is doing here. Just waiting for you, my friend. I promised last time we would meet again.

She takes the opportunity to gather a little information. Sir, may I ask about your family? May I know the names of your parents and siblings? He smiles gently. Of course. I'm from a big family and have five sisters and six brothers. My mother is Isabella Johnston and my father is William. My sisters are Margaret, Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary and Judith and my brothers William, Edward, John, Charles, James and George. I would have had a seventh brother, Philip but instead my mother had a daughter, Judith. He seems to hesitate, seeming to anticipate a disruption on her side. Did you get all of that information? If you forget, you can ask me next time. I'll also show you where I live in Scotland. And then she wakes suddenly in bed, thinking that something has bitten her on the leg, although in reality there is nothing there. Thunder and lightning soon commence in waking reality and a squall of horizontal rain pummels the window, waking me as well. Later, a quick check on Wikipedia confirms most of the information; everything except the disclosure about Philip. 

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