Wednesday 15 August 2018

Out-of-body at the Fullerton Waterboat House

11.08.18 04:10-04:13 She is sleeping on her back, subliminally aware of an alternating, rotating energy in her abdomen. The air suddenly moves upwards to her head before grainy black resolves into the modern harbour area near the Fullerton Hotel. It’s a clear sunny day, maybe around 27 degrees. Standing to her right, in smiling expectation, is Robert Fullerton again, today smartly dressed in a brown suit, white shirt with black and white striped necktie and polished brown leather shoes. After greeting each other, he says he is aware of April’s recent trip on the Singapore River and wants to show her another place named after him. The building in front of them, he says, is the Fullerton Waterboat House. This place is built on the site of an old water supply depot where boats could restock. The facade is a little bit similar, but the environment and construction of the modern building is better. He points to the upper floor. A few people are already sitting there and moving around. In my second life, I like to take a book up there and sit and relax in the cool breeze. He doesn’t give any book titles, so I ask April to find out next time. 

The Fullerton Waterboat House
She asks if he was married. Yes, I was married to a kind and lovely lady called Harriet. She was tall and slender with auburn hair and beautiful green eyes. We used to take walks along Fort Road and relax at what is now Cavenagh Bridge; a place popular with lovers. She asks, Did you have any children? He nods. Yes, one son named John Younge - handsome like me! and he smiles and catches her eye. He was always very well behaved, even when he was a teenager; very independent. Then he gestures to the building. Are you interested in that waterhouse? She says she is and takes her sketchpad from her bag. After I go back to my body, I want to sketch this building. He chuckles and compliments her on her previous drawing. Then she says, Sir Robert, I need to go back now and prepare things in my house. He smiles understandingly and says, Take care, April, and see you next time.

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