Thursday 29 November 2018

Jade necklace and earrings

Jade necklace and earrings

15.11.18 04:39-04:41 She is lying on her right side, asleep but aware of the energy now moving swiftly through her torso to her head. Within a few seconds, she feels herself at the front door of 27 Melville Street, her hand reaching out to knock. The door is solid to the touch and soon opened by Isabella, today wearing a knee-length maroon dress, trimmed at the upper arms. She says she has been expecting April, and welcomes her in, guiding her along the hallway to the fourth room on the right, which turns out to be the lounge. She offers a seat and some food, but April is content for just a cup of lemon balm tea. After this, Isabella excuses herself upstairs but soon returns carrying a battered wooden box. I have something the colour of your birthstone for you. Sorry the box is a bit old. April takes the box and carefully opens it. Inside there is an ornate green necklace and a matching pair of earrings. Isabella takes the necklace. Here, let me help you put this on. April fixes the earrings herself as Isabella explains. These are from my mother, but I don’t really wear them very often, so better I give to you. She stands back and smiles. Oh, they really suit you! April wakes as the thunder starts to roll off nearby West Coast. For a second, as she lies in bed, she thinks the jewellery is still with her and reflexively touches her neck and ears. But both are now gone, although Isabella’s gesture remains.

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