Sunday 24 February 2019

Keitt plantation house, South Carolina

Keitt plantation house, 1882
01:03 She says she came to awareness in her second body, its orientation 180 degrees opposite from her physical form, and a couple of feet elevated. She can see herself lying supine, head to the wall, and notices me sleeping soundly on my right hand side next to her. She has already placed the intention to visit the house she was briefly shown a few nights ago, before the trip was interrupted. An identical image starts to form, increasing in clarity and detail as she moves towards it. Her grandmother is now with her, and tells her that the place in front of her is known as the Keitt House, and that they are in South Carolina, in the United States. The year is 1882. Her sense of presence is now strongly located within the scene. Together, they walk around the structure for a while and take in some of the details. The surroundings are quite rural and there are fields beyond. The building itself has two storeys, constructed from planks of wood, and there is a small outhouse to the right which she thinks might be to store tools, or perhaps keep harvest. She notices a farmer standing nearby, a single tool hauled over his right shoulder. From her description, it sounds like a sickle and he carries it in a sheath, a strap attached. Her grandmother says she will introduce him to her. They approach and the man looks up...

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