Sunday 16 September 2018

Oak Furniture and Lemon Balm at 27 Melville Street

Furniture at 27 Melville Street, Edinburgh
10.09.18 02:38-02:41 She is asleep, lying on her back, but suddenly aware of a sensation of a coiling energy moving from her feet to her abdomen, whereupon it pauses for a few seconds before continuing to her upper chest. There is then another brief pause before a final ascent to her crown. The entire movement from feet to head takes about thirty seconds. A picture then forms in her mind’s eye and she finds herself in the back garden of what she knows to be John Fullerton’s house on Melville Street, at about 10 in the morning. The garden area extends to about ten metres or so in length and five in width. Close to the house, there is a small, square pool for bathing into which she dips her toes, placing her sandals to one side. Further down the garden, there are half a dozen young maple trees. Flowers and plants of various species border a well-tended lawn. She hears the back door open, and John Fullerton emerges, wearing a pair of shorts and carrying a towel over his shoulder. She quickly withdraws her foot and the splash causes John to look up and notice her, exclaiming, Oh! I didn’t know were here, April and then, Why won’t you come inside?
In the dining room, she sees Georgina, today wearing a long white dress and taking some morning tea at a large table. April notices some of the other furniture, including a cabinet made of what John later says is oak, some leather-covered chairs, a few display tables and a rocking chair. Georgina, too, is surprised at the visit but quickly rises and hugs April, before offering her a chair and a cup of tea. Welcome to our place, April! I’m so happy you’ve visited! In the brief second they embrace, April says she is aware of Georgina’s form, noting the familiar cool sensation of her body but this time also its soft, cornflour-like yielding texture. Her clothing also seems to be made from the same substance, as if both body and clothing are made from the same underlying energetic material. April says the tea tastes wonderful, like the freshest herbal she has ever known. Georgina tells her, My daughter Isabella is upstairs. Would you like to meet her? John then climbs the wooden spiral staircase. Isabella! Come, come! I want to introduce you to my good friend. There is a brief pause and then Okay, daddy. Wait a minute. I’m just tying my hair. Both quickly come down and April sees a most beautiful young woman of around fifteen or sixteen years of age, with her long blond hair tied up, and wearing what appears to be a pair of pink pyjamas and white slippers. She approaches April and they hug. Oh! Nice to meet you! and then jokingly What planet are you from? She smiles at April’s nonplussed reaction and says, I’m just joking. I mean what country? John suggests that if they want to go bathing that Isabella might lend April some swimming clothes. Before they bathe, Isabella takes April into the garden and shows her what she says are lemon balm plants, the leaves of which can be boiled with or later added to hot water. This is what April has just tried. Isabella tells her the drink is good for the heart and for stress reduction and that the leaves can even be chewed. She says her mother, Georgina, uses oil made from the leaves to make her hair soft and shiny. I also love to watch the bees take nectar from the flowers of this plant. And without any chance to express her thanks, April wakes up.

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