Saturday 27 October 2018

Afternoon tea with Isabella

Isabella Fullerton's tea set

October 15th 03:15-03:17 She is lying on her left-hand side on the mattress when she says she becomes aware of the wind energy moving in a vertical plane in her abdomen, like the clothing in a tumble dryer, turning clockwise one way for a few seconds then counter for a few in the other. After twenty seconds or so of this, the energy progresses to her head and then she finds herself passing up and then down through low cloud, before entering the large kitchen at 27 Melville Street. 

She guesses it is around 4:30pm in the afternoon, and Isabella is preparing afternoon tea. She only notices April when she turns. Oh! I had a feeling you would visit but didn’t realise you were here, my dear friend! She places four antique porcelain cups and saucers on a tray and takes them though to her parents who are both reading in the lounge, Georgina on the sofa and John in his armchair. On the coffee table, Isabella has already placed some toast and jam. Georgina looks up in surprise. Oh, your friend is here! I thought I heard you talking in the kitchen. When did you arrive, friend? April sits with them to enjoy more of the lemon balm tea and laughs as she tells me the cups have two handles which they hold as they sip. April is thirsty and gulps down her tea. Slowly, my dear friend and she finds it difficult to restrain herself from taking several slices of toast as well. Isabella uses a small wooden-handled knife to cut slivers of ginger into her tea. It helps my singing voice. They ask her about her day in our world and listen attentively as she says she has taken care of me. John jokingly says he hopes Georgina will do the same for him and she responds, Don’t I already do that, my dear? and they all laugh together. As April finishes her food, they ask Did you eat well? Enjoy your time here, April. Let Isabella clean everything away. But April cannot stop herself from eventually helping Isabella clear the table and wash the dishes, and she soon wakes up in the normal fashion.

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